Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

go out with my friends

hello all :D

today was fun. finally me and my friends went to Senayan City. I went with my brother. I went to anggia's with my bro. finally talked to her and playing the piano and more. me and anggia went to Senayan city together. after that I met Mita.
me, anggia, and mita do not know want to go anywhere else, because Senayan City is very crowded, so I decided to buy advance tickets for the movies. I bought a ticket "the dreamer" hahaha alias "sang pemimpi"

waited a long time. finally met savira and sarah. and savira brought her friends from semarang, she is nadia and afi. we met with them, and we want to have lunch. because Senayan City is very crowded. then we decided to have lunch at Hoka Hoka Bento. yes god I'm really hungry, because I had breakfast this morning.

after lunch, savira comes with nadia and afi. and went straight to the cinema to watch "the dreamer" is a very sad movie and is also funny. I was really touched. and it was very satisfying. me and anggia little cry in certain parts. which I think is very sad, and I shed tears. after watching the movie. we went to j.co and wait savira again because her friends wanted to buy something
while waiting for savira, me, sarah, mita and anggia play "truth-truth" hahaha very fun to play it, because we are honest with each other. we laughed happily, telling stories, and many more things we wrote to tell, very exciting day, I met with savira. I really miss savira, because now she lives in semarang. so we rarely see, not like long ago.

after that, mita and sarah go home. and I accompanied savira, nadia and Afi dinner at Hoka Hoka Bento. and pretty soon I go home with anggia. and I got home. This day was fun, I want to repeat it again hehehehe

Bye X.o

Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

Little Holiday

HEY!!!!!!! how are you?
hello friends Uub finally finished. loved it, but still have an examination on Monday, and the values I have a lot of value emerging. I am very grateful, and hopefully can improve again.

at school I was very troubled to see the value of Uub. and Monday will still have an examination. I pray I hope I get good grades. today until Monday I have a little holiday because there is a new Islamic year. I really really want to go. bored with the current situation should be studied continuously. I want to go out with friends.

I can not wait for tomorrow because tomorrow I will meet my friend is savira from semarang and she brought her friends to Jakarta. I wanted to get it tomorrow because I can not wait to see them.

I hope tomorrow I go with my friends because I was tired of continually learning. I hope in the second semester, I'll get a better value than the first semester. amiiinn

this day fun and annoying.
after school me and my friends for lunch and laughs, I miss those days like that. and whether you believe it? nadia rachma very good day to me. do not know why. do not know why this day was also tired, but also fun. I do not know how I feel how really complicated.

for the first time I like Thursdays because tomorrow I'm off, usually Thursdays are good days and the reply is not bored. I do not know what to do now. bored bored bored. only sleep at home and watch TV or open the internet. This evening I will go to Kemang. so goodbye my friends I'll see you in next post :)

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009


hello everyone :) sorry long time no blogging :)
yup minggu2 ini, gue lg banyak ujian. test diagnostik. Try Out di sekolah. dan seninn besok UUB.
ohmygod, kemaren baru aja terima repot hasil test diagnostik dan try out, alhamdulillah ya.

wish me luck for exam ya. AMIIIN. pengen banget nilainya bagus2 terus masuk sma favorit. huhuhu senin udah uub aja, ga nyangka ya kelas 9 bentar banget, kayaknya baru kmrn gue masuk SMP. banyak yg dilalui ya, ga nyangka juga bentar lagi udh mau semester 2 aja. hmm waktu efektif belajar tinggal sebentar lagi dan siap2 untuk menghadapi uan.
kemaren hari jumat masa anggia Bilang gini " masa ya put ya, katanya kalo UAN itu di meja nya udah disiapin botol minum dan tissu" WHT?????? gimana gak nervous coba, huaaa

kelas 7. gue di 7c, baru pertama kali masuk alpus, dan menemukan teman2 yang gila dan asik, seru banget pokoknya dulu kelas 7 deh. i miss pak agus, dan semuanya
kelas 8. gue 8c, yaa ga kalah seru juga, tapi anaknya di acak2 gt jdnya beda2 kelas tp seru, ga ada beban yg terlalu banyak
kelas 9. gue 9d. seru sih, dan banyak tugas. ujian dll. membuat aku stress

berharap banget nanti terima rapot mendapatkan nilai yang memuaskan AMIN.

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